Bureche Info

"we dedicate our time to solve your doubts"

Bureche Info

Info for each school subject

The purpose of creating this website was to create a whole universe of knowledge for students to research and investigate.

Bureche Official Web

This is the official Bureche website, Bureche School:

This is the official school website, find all about Bureche School here.


Bureche Wikia

Good information for school

In this website you can look up any type of information about the world; it is a very large database of knowledge.


Bureche Games

This is a cool website with free games!

In this website you can play free games, and learn in a fun way.


Here you can find games that we are going to develop (Miguelangel Pio Vives, Rafael Herrera, Hermides Henriquez, Jose Abello).

By: Mr. Jose Miguel Abello Quintero Riveira Buchar. Whatsapp: +57 300 2962367
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