10B Portfolio 1
The portfolio for the first semester of 10th grade.
Social Studies:
In this semester of Social studies we did two exactly the same projects, one was the fun News website and fundraising, that my group called "Watchers News". And in Bimester 2 the exact same but with different groups and different website.

In Math we haven't done any projects for now, but we have learned about inequalities, absolute value, and realtions & functions. We have also learned about elimination and substitution solutions, and more equations.
En español estuvimos aprendiendo sobre la deduccion, y la inferencia, debiamos leer textos e inferir cosas enbase a la lectura, tambien deducir.
En filosofía hicimos mi projecto favorito del bimestre, y uno de mis favoritos del año. Hicimos un manga sobre un tipo de metodos filosoficos, y era el metodo especulativo, lo dibuje con empeño y me quedo muy bien. Tambien hicimos unas portadas de periodico sobre filosofos presocraticos y sus arjes. Tambien considero que me quedo muy bien.

In ELA we had to state an idea, we needed to cite it, and then explain it. My topic was Paladins vs Overwatch, which was better. (Spoilers: My conclusion was Paladins). We also started reading "To kill a Mockingbird", we needed to draw a map and write chapter summaries.

In Science we learned about evolution, and traits. Mendel's and Darwin's research and made lots of activities of what if scenarious, they were fun.
Física & Química:
En química participamos en un laboratorio, aprendimos a separar mezclas con evaporización, magnetización, decantación, y filtración. Luego hicimos un lab report muy creativo, y con muchas imágenes.
En Fisica aprendimos sobre las leyes y ecuaciones del movimiento, que es una linea recta, y cual es la aceleracion del mismo.