
This are the most common 3d shapes, this are the 12 shapes:

3D Shapes - Joe the Builder

By: José Miguel Abello Quintero

Introduction: In this document I will talk about various object or shapes. I will talk about their characteristics, faces, sides and some extra information. This are the figures I researched for this application:

1. Triangular Prism: Prism with the cross section of a triangle. Is made of 3 rectangles and 2 triangles.

2. Cube: Box shaped object that has 6 equal faces. Cubes are very similar to squares, but cubes are 3 dimensional figures. 

3. Cuboid: Box shaped object that has 6 faces. Cuboids are very similar to triangles, but cuboids are 3 dimensional figures. 

4. Pentagonal Prism: Solid object with identical ends, flat faces, have the same cross section in the length. no curves. 

5. Square Based Pyramid: Pentahedron with a square face. 5 faces, base are square, and sides are triangles. 

6. Pentagonal Based Pyramid: Has 6 faces, 5 sides are triangles, base is a pentagon, 6 vertices, 10 edges. 

7. Hexagonal Based Pyramid: Has 6 faces and an hexagonal base. Also called an heptahedron. 

8. Tetrahedron: Has 4 faces, equilateral triangle, 6 edges, 4 vertices, platonic solids. 

9. Octahedron: Is one of 5 objects in platonic solids, the octahedron is like 2 square pyramids with their bottom touching, Their base or the place where their bottom touch is a square, 8 faces.

10. Dodecahedron: 12 faces, 30 edges, one of the platonic solids. 

11. Icosahedron: 20 faces, each face: equilateral triangle, 30 edges, one of the platonic solids 

12. Cylinder: 2 flat ends that are circular, and a curved side. 

By: Mr. Jose Miguel Abello Quintero Riveira Buchar. Whatsapp: +57 300 2962367
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