9B Portfolio 2

The portfolio from the second semester

History: In this history project, we did a timeline about the period of revolutions on Russia, and what events lead to them. I learn about Lenin, Alexander II, Alexander III, Nicholas II.

Science: In this project we had to complete a concept map about the nervous system. I learned about the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, also the reflex arc, brain and spinal cord.

Sociales: En este ensayo hablamos sobre la primera y segunda guerra mundial, sobre sus causas y consecuencias. Aprendí sobre el asesinato de Fransisco Fernando, y la mano negra.

ELA: In this activity we needed to make a venn diagram were we compared two characters from Romeo & Juliet. I choose the nurse and Mercutio.

Español: En este bimestre hicimos el organizador grafico, debiamos hablar sobre el boom latinoamericano y las vanguardias

Math: In this subject we worked in partners to build a bridge made of sticks, that could carry Mr. Camilo. It was very fun and stressing.

Arte: Este projecto no lo hemos terminado, pero estamos trabajando en el, la idea es hacer un casco como este :)

By: Mr. Jose Miguel Abello Quintero Riveira Buchar. Whatsapp: +57 300 2962367
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