World War I Essay

World War I Essay - Joe

World War I Essay - Joe

Do you want to know how a war could change the world so much? In this essay we will be telling you how is it possible, WWI changed the world a lot, and this is how and why. WWI changed the world because it brought new inventions to the world, a lot of inventions for good and bad. It also made the world be in debt and their economies went to depression. Finally it changed drastically the world map, empires dissolved and new countries were born. That are the reasons of how WWI changed the world. In the following paragraphs I'm going to tell you the reasons of how this first great war could change the world so much, by telling you some of the most changing creations and designs of this era, the economy and depression of that era, and finally the changes in the world map.

In this paragraph I'm going to talk about the planes, the planes were a very changing invention in World War I, here are the reasons why. Without WWI planes today wouldn't be so good because in the war countries were investing heavily in weapons, so planes were improved rapidly. In WWI countries wanted to use planes as weapons in the battlefield so they created the interrupter gear, without planes or the war this idea wouldn't had been created in quite some time. World War I made traveling much more easier, think for a moment, without it your vacation to the bahamas would have been different because the war was the responsible for creating and upgrading the planes and that then changed travel, after WWI people could travel more far away in less time. World War I changed a lot of things, one of them was planes and travel, it also created planes and made travel better for the people.

World War I changed a lot the world because of the debts the war caused, a lot of world powers were on the ground because of their debts. WWI was a very expensive war so all countries were in debt, that made them print more money making cheaper it's value and generating depression. WWI helped nations with not great power like US to become a world power. Because Europe's economy was very bad countries like US sold them supplies making the US and other nations rich. WWI changed the world so much with one simple thing, it lead to depression which then lead to World War II, because Germany's economy was very bad and they had to pay the allies the costs of the war, Hitler gave hope to the germans and tried to defeat the allies. WWI was a very destructive and expensive war, that lead to depression and the depression after WWI was very bad that it changed the world completely by starting WWII and giving more power to countries like US.

World War I changed completely the World map, because of how nations lost or gained territory. Europe's map was changed a lot, the Empires were dissolved and countries started to appear, WWI changed the world a lot because of this, Empires were big and powerful and then they fell and disappeared. It also changed the territory of existing nations, Germany lost a lot of territory, Russia became the URSS, the Austrian-hungarian and Ottoman Empire became lots of new little countries. The war didn't just change the map of Europe but instead the whole world, much nations and Empires had colonies in Africa and Asia so the colonies of the central powers became mandates and the allies gained more colonies and territory. WWI changed the world map a lot because of the dissolve of the empires and the colonies those empires possessed.

This topic is very important because it makes you think of all the things we have now and how they were affected by WWI. Now you know the reasons of how this massive war could change so much the world and history of this planet, it changed it by the new inventions it brought to us, it changed the economy by taking power from European countries and giving power to others like US, it also changed the world map by dissolving Empires and by taking colonies from the central powers, that's why WWI changed the world so much.

By: Mr. Jose Miguel Abello Quintero Riveira Buchar. Whatsapp: +57 300 2962367
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